Mobile Application & Web sites
Works are ordered by date
Blogging mobile app
Shiba is a text messaging service that helps content creators build reliable income from the support of their engaged followers.
iOS, UX Expertise, Redesign
Redesign and UX Expertise for the Motify App
I prepared the list of problems as a part of the app analysis and suggested UX and Visual Design solutions.
App Design
An easy way to get a tip
A simple and convenient way to get a tip from a client who does not have cash. The waiter can give the QR code to scan from the phone or print the coaster that he can prepare in the application.
Customer Credit Application — Noosa
Service allows making credit in the shop in 10 minutes. Using this app you can try your product in 14 days and return this product to the shop.
Food Delivery Service — Privet Lama
Website and mobile site for the Moscow restaurants Privet Lama.
Mobile version of
Logistic SaaS Software — Kontur
This was a big challenge. The application consists of more than 1 000 screens.
So many screens that we couldn't draw each of them. By this reason,
I developed the system of the design rule. Bellow example
of how this design system work.
In a year of a full-time job in a company, I together with the design team worked on the main page of the company. Works under NDA. Bellow are the screens that already available on the web. I can tell about my role and deliverable
in personal conversation.
Mobile version of Cryptocurency Exchange — Upcoin
UPcoin is digital crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat exchange, offering up to 1000 trading pairs across a variety of markets. Beta test was run on February 2018, trading starts in March 2018.
Mobile version of Internet Acquiring —
Tinkoff Oplata
During the work was developed the website, mobile site and merchant control panel.Below are screens of the mobile website. Check the result by link.
Mobile version of
Medical Magazine — Viomedo
At Freelance work on Portugal FlastStudio company, we have developed
a mobile version of blog, a journal that allows creating community of doctors who interested in the same area — prostate cancer.
Mobile version of Food Delivery
Service — DodoPizza
Design of the global mobile site of pizza delivery service. Dodopizza presented in 12 countries including China, USA, United Kingdom, To cover all habits of order pizza without creating personal countries site we made the general solution that includes all scenarios of use. During the work have been developed the Scenarios, Wireframes, Style Guide .
UX iOS / Android application for children activities — Acorn
It was a UX task that allows improving search in the app. Please check the full result on the Behance.
iOS / Android time managment application — Qlob
Experimental application for advanced time management. Application is based on long / middle / short (ToDo) activities planning.
Short Video Application — Mood
It was an experimental app that was released on the iOS platform in the middle of 2018. Latter appear the more successful analog TikTok.
iOS / Android Application for underground and train schedule — Railboard
Experimental app. With demand for a mobile application in 2018, there were developed an application that allows planning your trip. The later Railbord App was replaced by the official government, transport company App's.
iOS / Android App for simple Two-factor authentication (2FA) — Veiris
Veiris app allows simplifying authorization process for the user.
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